by Claire Redinger, reporter
The University of Nebraska at Omaha has partnered with Smart GEN Society (SGS), an Omaha non-profit organization whose mission is “empowering smart choices in a digital world.”
Amie Konwinski, the founder and CEO of SGS, said that the partnership was created out of the desire to help students navigate their online brand and social media presence.
“We find that a lot of students are coming to the time where they might make a 30 second bad decision post something online, get into a little online spat and it takes them off their trajectory of what they want to do for the future,” Konwinski said. “So, we’re hoping to help with not only giving them the empowerment of education … but also give them that one-on-one mentorship and mediation if they go ‘off-brand.”

The partnership provides many resources for students including social media toolkits, workshops, student mentoring and presentations in-class or via Zoom. Konwinski said many of the resources will be available using a Canvas module for easy access for students.
UNO Vice Chancellor for Student Success, Daniel Shipp, said this partnership, while still in the early stages, will give UNO students the opportunity to think critically about their digital wellness and have an advantage in thinking through both consequences and good decisions.
“I would say that the good habits you’ll develop through education like this, those will stick with you in the same way. And if we can get ahead of bad decisions, it’ll be all the better for the student,” Shipp said.