by Jeremy Davis, reporter
OMAHA – This year has been unique in the way that we have been battling a pandemic, as well as, holding an election during the same year but that has not stopped voters.
With COVID-19 plaguing most voters’ minds for this entire election year, it undoubtedly has played a big role in how people voted for this election.
Connor Metz, a member of Republican Voters Against Trump, gives his insight on how he feels about COVID-19 during the election year.
“Every American knows we’re amidst a pandemic, you know most people know that we managed it extraordinarily badly compared to other countries and they see that basically in their day to day life,” said Metz. “I mean you know kids are home from school, people are losing jobs, people know folks who have gotten sick, some people know people who have died from it.”
Papillion voter Scott Sherrell said, “It is pretty clear, with what did they say? I think 40 states are getting new highs, we’re not. We’re the seventh highest state per capita in the country. Clearly what has been happening has not been working.”

COVID-19 affects many aspects of American’s lives but it seems the changes made to how we vote allows people the opportunity to have more opportunity to vote.
COVID-19 has made drastic changes to how Americans vote. According to Michael McDonald’s U.S. Election Project, this year has been record breaking with 93 million early votes. With key early voting states being California, Texas and Florida.
With all these early votes, as well as several mail-in votes that have yet to be counted, it has Americans worried of what is to come.
“I think we should all basically just get in the mindset that we might, we almost certainly will not know the result of the election on election night,” said Metz.
It is unknown how long it will take to count all the votes but the main idea is to remain patient and wait for what is to come.
“We really are worried about just civil unrest happening, and if people really believe that Trump has had the election stolen from him or Biden thinks the election was stolen from him,” said Metz. “It is going to be an ugly scene. Unfortunately, we’re in uncharted waters, our country has never been here before.”