by Ashanti Allen, reporter
OMAHA – It’s been four-years since American Citizens voted for the President of the United States. Four-years later, Nov. 3, 2020, we faced another election. Usually, presidents serve a total of two terms but this year’s election was a little different.
Omaha streets and yards a crossed the Metro were filled with Biden/Harris signs.
Residents were eager to hear the results of the presidential election. Some checking the news daily for results and others waiting patiently. Numbers for both candidates were in the 200’s and results were pending due to some states still counting ballots.
Saturday morning was a celebration for those cheering for Biden/Harris all across the United States.
Omaha resident Molly Smith celebrated by honking her horn throughout her neighborhood before joining the crowd on 72nd and Dodge St.

She expresses her gratitude for this opportunity, “I feel amazing I am so excited to start taking our country back. There is still a lot of work to be done but I’m really excited for the first female in the executive office.”
Nebraska citizens are excited after hearing the news that Joe Biden won the President election 72nd is filled with people raring their horns and yelling for excitement that Biden won the presidential election.
Alex Ruiz was among those celebrating, he said after hearing the news of Biden winning the election that the world can return back to normal, and that he woke up today feeling acceptance again for all people in a place he calls home.
“People of color, people of transgender, Muslims, whatever religion. People are going to feel welcomed now and not feel targeted,” Ruiz said.
The American people are celebrating all across the world in celebration of Biden and Harris. They are expecting a change in the world.
Both women and women of color across the world are enthusiastic for Kamala Harris being the first woman and black woman in the executive office has brought smiles to the African American community.
The Silver State was called for Biden on Saturday just shortly after 9:00 a.m. The former vice president came out on top defeating Trump with nearly 26,000 votes.