Local book lovers celebrate National Read Across America Day

Guided by a committee of educators, National Read Across America Day takes place annually on March 2 and is the nation’s largest celebration of reading. It focuses on motivating children and teens to read by putting on events, implementing partnerships and providing resources for all ages.

“It is such great escapism,” author Lynn Painter Kirkle said. “TV and your tablet is great, but when you read a book you just get swept away into that world. You are kind of part of the story if you find a book that’s your thing.”

Lynn Painter Kirkle’s novel “Better Than The Movies” will be released May 4. Photo courtesy of lynnpainter.com

As the author of a book herself, Lynn obviously loves reading, but there is a lot that goes into authoring a book. She discussed the inspiration behind her upcoming novel “Better Than The Movies.”

“I wanted to write a book that felt like a lot of those movies, where it is just kind of fun,” she said. “Each chapter starts with a quote from a rom-com movie.”

Even with a busy schedule like the one Omaha student Rebecca Weis has, she said she finds time to read every day because it is something she is passionate about. 

“It allows me to kind of take like 30 minutes to just de-stress and focus on something else going on that is not actually happening, but is a good distraction to get my mind off things,” she said.