Healing touch practice available in Ralston

By Liam Fenwick, Reporter

Inside a small office in Ralston, Jane Bies can often be found performing healing touch therapy on one of her clients. Bies is a registered nurse, holistic health coach, and certified healing touch practitioner.   

Bies said she got her start in healing touch therapy while working as a health coach. Her friend had a brain tumor and she asked Bies to help her.   

“I called up my mentor in California and I said where do I start? The very first thing he said to me was, “She needs healing touch, she needs healing touch.” I was like, what is healing touch?” said Bies.  

Healing touch is a form of the alternative medicine practice known as energy healing. This type of healing involves lightly touching and moving the hands over and around the body to help it relax. Once the body relaxes, it’s in its optimal state for healing.  

According to John Hopskins Medicine, energy healing and touch has been used in medicine since the early days of medical care. Healing by touch is based on the idea that illness or injury in one area of the body can affect all parts of the body. 

Bies said there are many health benefits that come with energy healing.  

“Decrease in pain, decrease in anxiety. It can help your energy, sometimes people are really fatigued. It can help them have more energy or gain their energy back,” Bies said.  

Massage therapist Beverely Riley said that energy healing can help with a hospital patient’s recovery.  

“In some hospitals you can see the patients getting the healing touch before or after a procedure. When they are working on their recovery, they need to work on anxiety and pain relief, just overall enhance the healing process,” Riley said.  

Bies said healing touch therapy is one of her passions. She said she hopes to continue to provide the service for her clients and hospital patients for years to come.