By: Devin Holcomb, Reporter
Omaha, Neb. – Don Bacon has won the midterm election. However, The Omaha News was able to interview both Vargas and Bacon before the final ballot was counted about how their campaigns went. Both candidates are grateful for all their supporters and this is what Vargas and Bacon had to said to the voters.
“This has been great. It’s been amazing. I think the thing I’m most excited about, it’s been a year and a half of running this campaign. And we are talking to everybody. We we’ve literally talked to hundreds of thousands of voters. And that’s what it’s going to take. We want to increase civic health. We want to make sure voters understand that they have an opportunity to send somebody to Congress.”
(State Sen. Tony Vargas, (D) Candidate for Neb. District 2)
“I work my hardest for my I’m grateful for the honor to be able to represent them and to try to work hard for them. My goal is to be as candid and transparent I can’t be during a campaign that fulfilled my promises. And that’s been my principle since 2016. And I’ve been grateful to be reelected in years. But I just say thank you, thank you for the vote. Thank you for their support.”
(REP. Don Bacon, (R) Neb. District 2)

This was a very close race according the Associated Press, as of November 9, Bacon had 52.20% of the vote over Vargas who had 47.80%. Making this Bacon’s fourth term in congress. Talking to Bacon this is what he said about some goals he wants to accomplish.
“My immediate goals for the for the community itself is, I’ve been focused on getting the airport all the modification money, modernization money. We have a 600-million-dollar plan for Eppley Airfield and while that might have come from the infrastructure bill that I voted on, I was one of 13 Republicans who voted for it and I helped write the bill and so Eppley Airfield. Modernization is a big one. We have a two and half billion-dollar plan for UNMC to make it the research hub for America for pandemics, 10,000 researchers. So, a lot of jobs with that, and because I did vote on the infrastructure bill, we’re doing it about three billion dollars in roads and bridge money, real broadband money. So, I want to keep tabs on it, make sure that we’re investing in the right things that make a difference to this community.”
(REP. Don Bacon, (R) Neb. District 2)

Bacon will assume his position in Congress during January.