By: Andrew Kuslieka
Omaha, Neb. – Two public forums were held to inform the public about the intricacies of the new permit less concealed carry bill, LB-77. The first was held at Omaha South high school and the second was held at Nathan Hale middle school. The forum was put on by the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative and featured Omaha Police and Douglas County Sheriffs.
Snacks, gun safety locks and informational pamphlets were given to the attendees as well as the opportunity to win prizes with a raffle ticket. The forum leaders discussed methods of responsible gun ownership as well as the details of LB-77.

A deputy distributed informational pamphlets to the public forum attendees at Nathan Hale Middle School, located in Omaha, NE. (Photo/Andrew Kusleika)
Details of the new bill include things like the inability to carry a firearm in a concealed manner when in an establishment that makes over 50 percent of its profits from alcohol. More caveats include things like carrying a firearm while committing a misdemeanor as well as carrying a firearm on any city owned property.

Forum attendees voiced opinions at Nathan Hale Middle School located at Omaha, NE. (Photo/Andrew Kusleika)
Omaha City Council President Pete Festersen has continued to combat the bill by introducing two new city ordinances. One ordinance would prohibit the possession of “ghost guns,” which are guns that don’t have a serial number. Another ordinance would prohibit the use of bump stocks.