Durham Museum Welcomes Laurie Pasler as a part of Understanding Week 

Hidden World War II memorabilia

By Paxton DeVault, OMAHA, Neb. – The Durham Museum will host its annual lecture presented by The Institute for Holocaust Education on March 26th.  

During The Week of Understanding, the Durham offers workshop and survivor testimonies that are designed to deepen the understanding about the Holocaust. Local community members are encouraged to attend and hear the testimonies of victims and their families.  

Senior Marketing Brand Manager at the Durham Museum, Dawn Myron, has been a part of the annual lecture since 2016, and she opens up about what it means for the Durham and the people within the community. 

“Here at the Durham Museum, we have been partnering with The Institute for Holocaust Education, I think, for about eleven years. It brings awareness of the Holocaust and helps give an accurate representation of that history.” 

This year’s keynote speaker, Laurie Pasler, is the founder of Courtroom 600 and Descendants Media Group, both nonprofit organizations based out of Chicago, Illinois preserving the legacy of the Nuremberg Trials. The trials took place after the Holocaust, in order to charge the criminals involved for their heinous crimes, and seek justice for everyone involved.  

“My father worked at the Nuremberg Trials and never told us,” Laurie says. “The Courtroom 600 Project started ten years ago when I lost my dad and inherited his hidden World War II memorabilia.” 

Through their hard work and findings, Laurie Pasler and her organization focuses on providing fact-based instruction to students, educators, and the public in order to provide the most significant information and inspire the community to participate in the remembrance.  

While this event reflects on the tragedy of the past, it’s an opportunity to help shape a more compassionate future to prevent events like this from happening once again.  

The annual lecture will occur at The Durham Museum on March 26th at 6:30 pm. To be a part of the remembrance, buy tickets online at durhammuseum.org. 

Photos of Laurie’s dad and his own personal identification cards and documents

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