First known debate held for packed city council primary in North Omaha 

A packed room of viewers watched Omaha City Council District 2 candidates answer questions during a primary election debate at Assembly of the Saints church on March 12, 2025. Andrew Smith/The Omaha News 

By Andrew Smith, OMAHA, Neb. – A group of young community organizers hosted an Omaha City Council District 2 primary debate in North Omaha, something that’s likely never happened before, according to organizers and news records. 

Residents heard from eight of the nine candidates running in the crowded race for District 2. It’ll be narrowed down to two after the April 1 election. Current Councilmember Juanita Johnson is running for reelection but was absent. Organizers were told that the debate, which had been rescheduled from the previous week due to winter weather, conflicted with an event Johnson had already planned. 

“Her not being here, one, to defend her last four years, but also not being here to tell us what she’ll do in the next four years, is kind of concerning,” said Peyton Zyla, an attendee at the debate. 

The lively debate took place at Assembly of the Saints church on the evening of March 12. It allowed candidates to voice their plans or stances regarding housing, homelessness, economic development, public safety, policing, public transportation and opportunities for area youth. 

LaVonya Goodwin, William King, Tyrone Eure, Ben Gray, Maurice Jones, Michael A. Lee, Jr., Anthony K. Rogers-Wright and Cheryl Weston had many opportunities to share their takes and rebut one another during the event, which lasted around three hours. 

Organizers collected feedback preceding the debate to help shape their line of questioning, and the audience asked questions towards the end of the night. 

There were many proposals made by candidates. 

  • Some wanted the landlord registry to have more enforcement power. Some called for housing tied to local incomes. Others promote tiny homes and supportive programs to reduce homelessness. 
  • Most advocated for more funds for Black-owned businesses and local entrepreneurs. Some favor TIF with requirements of affordability. Others proposed corporate mentorships to boost small enterprises. 
  • Most support police oversight with real authority. Some want scaled-back budgets and stronger community programs. Others emphasize collaboration with law enforcement for safer neighborhoods. 
  • All mentioned ways to include the youth in decisions when prompted. They proposed advisory boards, summer jobs, and skill-building. Some push for lower voting ages. Many highlighted mentorship and leadership training for teens. 

Lee explicitly said some police funding should be directed towards youth programs. He also proposed that area police forces should only be made up of local residents.  

“We are three times more likely than any other place in the city to interact with a police officer. I think that’s an issue.” said Lee.  I’m one of the only candidates that will be pushing to reallocate funds from the police department.” 

Gray emphasized investments that were made in the community while he was on the city council from 2009 to 2021. 

“One of the things we did was create this program of summer jobs for young people,” Gray said. “Right now over 9,000 people have been through that program.” 

More information on stances can be found through each’s campaign websites and through voter guides like those provided by the Flatwater Free Press. 

District 2 has historically had lower turnout rates in city elections, but the three moderators — Jayda Lee, Jaden Perkins and Olivia Mathews, whose ages range from 17 to 24 — hope events like this can engage more people, especially the youth, in local politics. 

Mathews, who prides herself in being a local activist and student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, said she was happy so many people either came to or watched the debate. She said that while more pomp and circumstance is often given to presidential elections, local elections matter most for people’s day-to-day lives. 

“Actions ease anxieties and today is evident that the community is tired,” Mathews said. “We’re tired of promised being made and … rhetoric being used to dance around fact that our voices are underrepresented, and I think that is changing.” 

Early voting ballots for the city primary have already been mailed out for those who opted to receive them, and Election Day is on April 1.  

“I am just excited for the primary on April 1,” Zyla said. “I think this debate has finalized who I’m going to vote for. 

The full City Council District 2 primary debate can be viewed as live streamed on Facebook by Sherman Wells. 

Viewers listen as city council candidates debate about business improvement district impacts at Assembly of the Saints church on March 12, 2025. Andrew Smith/The Omaha News 

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