by Jared Barton, reporter
OMAHA – Cabin fever has stricken almost everybody by now. People like to go outside, do things, exercise and see people. The COVID-19 outbreak has all but put a definite halt on that lately, leaving many to find new hobbies and ways to keep healthy.
Since March, the Nebraska Game and Parks system has registered a record amount of new (or returning) fishing and turkey hunting licenses, even compared to a 10-year average. Greg Wagner from the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission said last week that license sales and park attendance rates have been through the roof.
Wagner said, “From June 1st, all the way til Labor Day weekend, every weekend looked like Fourth of July weekend.”
Wagner also said the way things look now, fall hunting license sales will be the same.
It should be noted that many indoor facilities at the parks are closed or under strict social distancing and sanitation guidelines. For example, administration buildings have plexiglass windows, hand sanitizer stations and floor markers indicating six-foot distances.
Outdoor facilities ask that patrons follow local and state guidelines on masks and social distancing as well, such as at Fontenelle Forest, where they have placed several signs on trails indicating such.
Overall, assuming one follows the rules outlined by the parks, they are an excellent way to get outside and learn more about the area in which we live.
Wagner said the parks have been working hard to keep educational activities online since they cannot be fully executed in person at this point. The Game and Parks Commission hopes to continue this once COVID-19 is past and some sense of normalcy returns.