Greenlining Fund Invests in Omaha’s Historically Redlined Neighborhoods 

By Mary Mitzlaff

OMAHA, Neb. — Front Porch Investments Greenling Fund is addressing the lasting impacts of redlining, the discriminatory practice of denying loans and financial services to minority neighborhoods. Though redlining was outlawed in 1968, its effects are long-lasting. 

South Omaha neighborhoods where the Greenling Fund is working to reverse decades of disinvestment, providing no-cost repairs and property tax relief for homeowners. (Photo by: Mary Mitzlaff)

“How can this impact North Omaha residents, particularly the black North Omaha residents that struggle to find affordable housing that are struggling with homeownership,” said Yolanda Williams, Housing Justice and Grants Manager at Front Porch Investments.  

“And just the valuations of these homes are much lower than counterparts in, you know, Midtown or West Omaha.” 

 Zero-Interest Loans for Homeowners 

Launched in 2023, the fund’s Home Equity Loan Fund (HELF) pilot program provided zero-percent interest loans of up to $50,000 to help eligible homeowners with critical repairs.  

Itzel Lopez, the CEO of the Latino Economic Development Council, says many homeowners are forced to choose between basic maintenance and other essential costs. 

“So then I have to make a choice every year. Do I want to replace the windows, which is not going to cost me so much, or do I want to pay a higher monthly bill?  

These loans aim to minimize barriers by funding essential home improvements to stabilize households and address critical housing needs. 

Greenlining History 

The fund has launched a handful of initiatives since preparation first started back in 2022:  

  • Fall 2022: Established the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to guide funding strategies and ensure community involvement in decision-making. ​ 
  • Summer 2023: Launched the Home Equity Loan Fund (HELF) pilot program, offering zero-interest loans up to $50,000 for eligible homeowners to assist with home repairs and improvements. ​ 
  • Fall 2024: Concluded the HELF pilot, funded a no-cost home repair program, and launched a property tax relief awareness initiative to help low-income homeowners. 

Investing in the Future 

The Greenlining Fund is more than just home improvements; it is a step toward restoring investment, empowering residents, and ensuring North and South Omaha thrive for generations

A North Omaha home in need of critical window repairs. The Greenling Fund helps homeowners make essential updates without financial burden. (Photo by: Mary Mitzlaff)

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