Comedy at the Backline

By Ben Addison

To say my face hurt after the improv acts while at the Backline would be a great understatement. Once the event was over, I could feel my face on fire from all the great, deep and genuine laughing that I experienced during the show. 

The Comedy at the Backline show. Thursday, Oct. 10, was called Broad Perspective and was comprised of all women. This group performs skits related to current issues in America and American ideology. For example, one of the running themes throughout all the different bits were doing things individually, together. A crack at how people in America want to do things by themselves, but in the end really need others to help them through a situation, even if they don’t want to recognize that need. This is also joking at people who try to do things that require a group of people, by themselves.

Even with this improve group being all female, I never, at any point, felt that I was left out of a joke, or that I never really got it because I am male. Most jokes were easily relatable to everyone in the room which is a hard thing to be able to do, no matter who you are. 

I was easily drawn in from the first act and kept interested through to the final act where I was left wishing for more. It’s been a while since I have gone to something like this and left wanting even more than what I already experienced.

All the acts were so impressive it became difficult at times to realize that these people were not working off a script, making each comedy bit even more impressive. There was the occasional time where two or more people in the group tried to talk at the same time and in a few of those situations, those that were talking were trying to go in different directions. 

However, when that did happen, they were always quick to recover and not make it a problem. There were times were talking over each other became a part of the actual skit making a possible mistake look like an intentional action. 

The atmosphere at the Backline is very cozy with smaller rooms for people to enjoy the comedy which is really nice because you can see very clearly what the actors are trying to do so you can fully understand and appreciate what you are watching. 

While there, I could tell there were regulars who would come often and talk to others around the building before the show even started. This all helped create a warm and comfortable environment at the Backline, making it even easier to enjoy a night of great laughs and great times.

Comedy at the Backline is a great date idea for anyone in the Omaha metro area, with a warm, comfortable and funny environment, it will be impossible for anyone to not enjoy their time while at the Backline Comedy Theatre. This atmosphere and enjoyment can make even the sternest of people leave with a great big smile on their face. 

So, if you’re looking for something fun to do over the Weekend, Comedy at the Backline is a great option to choose. They run the Broad Perspective group every second Thursday. The next time you will be able to catch this group is Nov. 14. The Backline hosts many different events so check on their site for more information.