Fontenelle Forest Hosts Harry Potter-themed “Night at the Forbidden Forest” Event

By Kamrin Baker

With a little magic, Bellevue’s Fontenelle Forest was transformed to Hogwarts the evening of Nov. 1 for a “Night at the Forbidden Forest.”

The event was limited to guests ages 21 and up and featured a myriad of activities. These activities included “Harry Potter” trivia, walks through the forest with Hagrid, magical creature encounters, a sorting hat, wand selection station, photo booths, fire show, butter beer sales and more.

Fontenelle Forest volunteer Marcia Bloom was behind the wand and Patronus station throughout the evening.

“I was excited to volunteer for the event because I’ve seen the movies and read some of the books, and it’s a really big deal for a lot of people,” Bloom said. “It’s exciting to have it here at the forest right after Halloween. There’s a lot of good—or scary—energy.”

Guests were encouraged to wear costumes, sip on some potions and enjoy the festivities.

Attendee Kayla Punt, a long-time “Potter” fan, said she had trouble choosing a favorite moment from the evening.

“Olivander’s was cool because they gave out wands. Mine was Ashwood, made from actual Ashwood at Fontenelle,” Punt said. “I also loved all of the employees dressed as professors. They were in character the whole night, which added to the magic of it all. I would definitely go again next year.”