Musicians perform at Slowdown’s first annual Sneaker Soiree

By: Megan Fabry

Omaha’s popular rock club Slowdown, which is located near 14th and Cuming St., held a Sneaker Soiree, which is a celebration combining black tie and street fashion together for a night full of music and good company.

The Sneaker Soiree featured several of Omaha’s up and coming artists such as Dante Higgins, Marcey Yates, Mola-B and DJ getEJIKEwithit. 

The event started at 9 p.m. on Nov. 8 with guests lined up to watch these unique performers and have a few drinks with friends. 

Dante Higgins performed his rap with a new twist that I haven’t heard before. His verses are relatable, but his rhyming is a breath of fresh air that is needed in the local music industry. Although he is now an Omaha local, he didn’t grow up here. He was raised in Houston, Texas, which is easy to discern through the lyrics of his songs. 

Marcey Yates is a music producer as well as a rapper. Yates does many corroborations with talent musicians and uses his life experiences to find inspiration for his music. I found his music to be my favorite, it had a bit more of a laid back vibe, which is easy for guests to listen to as they sip their drinks and enjoy their night. With his performances at Maha Music Festival and an award for Best Rap/Hip Hop at the Omaha Arts and Entertainment Awards, we can be sure this won’t be the last we hear from Yates.

Mola-B was the artist I noticed was able to get guests tapping their feet and dancing along to the music. His verses were well-rhymed, but because he spoke so fast I found it hard to catch all the lyrics although I know they were thought out and clever. 

getEJIKEeithit was the DJ for the night. He featured a wide variety of songs in genres such as afrobeat, funk, hip-hop and soul. When he was onstage, the music and bass drops could be felt deep in your chest. It’s the kind of music that a person walking past the venue would hear and want to come inside to experience more.

I loved the premise of the event because it combined fancy attire with wacky and stylish sneakers. Another reason I was a big supporter of the event was because Slowdown also encouraged guests to bring new or gently used shoes to donate to the Youth Emergency Serves of Omaha, which helps serves homeless and at-risk youth by providing critically needed resources that empower them to become self-sufficient. 

The decoration was subtle, yet classy. Bright bouquets of carnations rested in glass vases and served as centerpieces for tables. Blue lights lined the top wall of the bar, creating a laid-back atmosphere for the semi-formal event.

Slowdown creates opportunities for young artists to get their music out to those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to hear it. The shows each week have equal gain and advancement for both the venue and the artists that are selected to perform and I’m sure we will be hearing more about the talent showcased there.