Omaha Police Department on scene at local Hy-Vee shooting

Lillian Griffith March 17, 2020

OMAHA, NEB. – The Omaha Police Department is investigating the motivation behind a shooting at the Hy-Vee grocery store on 17810 Welch Plaza in West Omaha at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

According to a tweet from Lt. Jay Leavitt, “Situation secure at Hy-Vee. Shots fired incident. No shooting victims. Suspect in custody.”

A Hy-Vee employee said the incident took place in the pharmacy area near the register. The suspect, a white male in his 20’s, was handcuffed by two off-duty officers in the store and taken into custody.

Officials with Hy-Vee said the store is will close at 8 p.m. instead of Midnight. Overnight employees were told to stay home.

“I think people are more desperate than normal and stressed with bills,” said Kristen Halbersleben, a frequent Hy-Vee shopper. “We are living in an interesting time right now.”

OPD officers, Douglas County Sheriff’s deputies and local medics are still on the scene gathering information from witnesses.

This is an ongoing investigation. Follow our twitter for more updates.