The One Community Culture Festival hosts a complimentary event for the Omaha Area

By: Mike Dart, Reporter

OMAHA, Neb- The One Community Culture Festival hosts a complimentary event for the Omaha Area. The festival returns after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, hosting a variety of different performers and vendors. The Nebraska Chinese Association (NCA) performed the Cai Wei classical dance for attendees.  

The Cai Wei is an expression of the tale of Confucius and army life. Performer Haizhen Zhu says the dance symbolizes the despair brought about by the changing of the seasons without returning home, leaving behind family and joy. Beating of the drums throughout the performance simulate the feelings of the soldiers.  

The festival postponed the events to Sunday the 18th, due to poor weather. Despite this, attendance is still high from across Nebraska. Attendees have the opportunity to view a variety of performances including Mixed Martial arts, Indian Belly dancing and many more.