Local band uses at home studio and recording software to create music and grow a following

By: Zach Hill, Reporter

OMAHA, Neb.- Last weekend Omaha band The Real Zebos played their second album release show to great success. One true frontman Jordan Gaul said it’s a lot of hard work, but that work paid off.

“You’re preparing different effects and visuals and lights and coordinating that to your set, but it’s really all worth it when a ton of people show up” Gaul said. 

While creating an album, artists with a day job like Gaul may have it tough finding time and resources to record and mix their songs. Programs like Logic Pro give the Zebos the ability to do it right from the comfort of their own homes.

“It’s great having all of the capabilities of building entirely fleshed out demos and songs at your fingertips” Gaul said.

Jordan Gaul mixing and editing a song in his basement studio on September 28, 2022.

You can’t book venues like the Slowdown if you’re not going to have anyone in the audience. Platforms like Spotify have algorithms to push the Zebos music into pre-made playlists, garnering them more attention.

“And I do know that they try to emphasize indie bands and smaller artists, so it is a great way and almost feels like a gift sometimes when they will throw your song on there. Throw you a bone” Gaul said.

Izzy is a fan from Austin, Texas who stumbled across one of their songs, and said they’re not only good at getting fans, but keeping them as well. 

“I follow a lot of small bands, and they interact the most with their fans, just joking around and commenting under their comments. It’s really fun” Izzy said.

Omaha band The Real Zebos performing at The Slowdown on September 23, 2022.

Gaul added that when it comes down to it, The Real Zebos want to make good music, but also just be seen as the funny and goofy guys where every show feels like a party.

Like any rock star, Gaul said the dream is to get to a point where he can quit his day job and do music full time. With modern audio editing software, streaming services and social media, that dream is easier than ever to achieve.